Working on this songs project over these past few years has been really interesting for me. Apart from a brief foray into writing lyrics for the first band I played in as a teenager(!), I haven't attempted any and am unlikely to anytime soon! So, I decided to collaborate with some great singers and lyricists to compose and record some songs that will complement the album of instrumental music that my new Quartet have been working on. So far I have collaborated with the brilliant singers Katina Kangaris, Noemi Nuti, Daisy Chute, Jamie Doe, Coco Malone and Ana Silvera. A variety of approaches have been used, for example, I might send the basic harmonic/melodic outline of the music and give them the challenge of writing words to this pre-existing material after a brief discussion about the lyrical content of the tune. On other occasions I have sent them a near finished instumental verison of the song and have left the lyrical content entirely up to them. We have also used the more traditional method of sitting by the piano and seeing what we can come up with from a few pre-conceived starting points. 2018.